Sigourney Weaver acting 1970s housewives who struggle to accept her gay son in desire for Bobby. Her Emmy proposal today, she says, "means so much to all of us personally. All of us were over the moon. It's a movie that the producers were trying to get on for 13 years. We shot this movie in 21 days," she told USA TODAY's Donna Freydkin.
Right now, Weaver is in Santa Fe, shooting Greg Mottola's comedy Paul. "It's the contrast of Prayers for Bobby," she says.
Her qualms she'll do much celebrating tonight. "I'm working. My husband is in New York. He runs the Flea Theater in New York. They're busy raising money," she says. "I hope to catch up with him. I'll be celebrating by being on the set and working. It's forever fine to be working."