Monday, July 13, 2009

Cheeky 'Bruno' unleashes uber-hilarity

Sacha Baron Cohen, as flamboyant Austrian fashion reporter Bruno, is out and about, catching
real people unawares.

Attention, recession-era entertainment buffs: Brüno offers more shock value for your moviegoing dollar than any other movie this year.

Though the humor is sometimes hilarious and sometimes inane, the shock factor is undeniable.

You'll cringe and watch through splayed fingers, but mostly you'll laugh.

Brüno is the flamboyantly gay Austrian fashionista created and played by Sacha Baron Cohen, best known for his outlandish starring role in 2006's Borat.


* * * (out of four)
Sacha Baron Cohen, Gustaf Hammarsten
Director: Larry Charles
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Rating: R for pervasive strong and crude sexual content, graphic nudity and language
Running time: 1 hour, 23 minutes
Opens Friday nationwide